wraping up Ladies Bible study

Singini, the resting place of the first president of CONGO

Let's grow vegetables even in the dry season

Thank you for checking out this page, we hope these photos will inspire you to think out of the box. 

KASA-VUBU remembered

CCDN welcomes friends - July 2016

Tsanga Nord, a city full of potentials, but ...

 Who will bring hope to such a vital institution?

Cities in survival mode

Former dwellings of christian missionaries can be renovated.

Drip irrigation kit deployed

Maduda, a mission school that has educated thousands!

Poor infrastructure to get to Rural areas keep villages  under a constant elusive quest for growth

Even the cultural symbols are dying out! Not replaced

Maduda, downtown

Kinshasa, Former victims of violence, now learning trade

With this in their backyard, Do they really live under $1 a day?

Merci de visiter notre Gallerie, nous espérons que ces photos pourraient vous inspirer à une  réflexion plus profonde.

Christian Community Development Network

Kuimba rural Hospital

Drip irrigation system training